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Influenza Information

The flu is a highly contagious respiratory infection which spreads when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The flu is much more than the common cold. Some people affected by the flu may have mild symptoms, however others can be restricted to bed for a week or more and unable to work or care for their family. For some people, flu can cause severe illness, hospitalisation and life-threatening complications. Those more at risk of serious symptoms are babies, people aged over 65 years, people with underlying illnesses and pregnant women.

What strains are in this year’s vaccine:

The 2024 Quadrivalent Influenza vaccine contains the following inactive (dead) strains:

  • A/Victoria/4897/2022 (H1N1)pdm09-like strain
  • A/Thailand/8/2022 (H3N2)-like strain
  • B/Austria/1359417/2021- like strain
  • B/Phuket/3073/2013 – like strain

Is there a combined Flu & Covid vaccine?

Whilst they are working on a combined vaccine this will not be available for the 2024 season.

Do I need a covid booster?

To keep up to date with covid vaccination recommendations click the below link or go to this website

Can I get a flu vaccine at the same time as a COVID-19 vaccine?

The Covid vaccine and Influenza vaccine can be co-administered i.e., given at the same time. Further information can be found in the above link or website. 

Will the flu vaccine protect me against COVID-19?

Unfortunately having a flu shot won’t protect you against Covid.  Each virus triggers a different immune response from our body to fight it. You will need both the covid and influenza vaccines to be protected.

I had a flu shot last year why do I need another one?

Flu viruses are constantly changing, so flu vaccines are updated from one season to the next to protect against the viruses that research suggests will be common during the upcoming flu season.

To read more about this years recommendations click on the below link or go to this website:

Will I get the flu from the flu shot?

No, you cannot catch the flu from the flu shot. The influenza vaccine is composed of Inactivated (dead) Quadrivalent Influenza Strains.  A general feeling of unwellness is the body creating the antibodies it needs to fight off the flu virus.  It can take up to 2 weeks for your body to build its immunity after your vaccination.

Are there side effects of the flu vaccine?

Side effects of the flu vaccine are generally mild. They may start a few hours after vaccination and generally last less than 1-2 days. Side effects may include:

  • localised pain, redness and swelling at the injection site
  • a small, hard lump (nodule) at the injection-site (can last 1-2 weeks)
  • drowsiness or tiredness
  • muscle aches
  • A low-grade temperature (fever), which may be managed with

Very rarely, more serious side effects can occur following the administration of the flu vaccine. They can include hives, angioedema and anaphylaxis. If you are concerned that your side effects are severe or persistent, please contact your GP, visit your nearest hospital emergency department or call ‘000’ immediately.

How can I prevent getting and spreading the flu?

  • Having an annual vaccination each year between April and June prior to the peak of the flu season (June – September) is your best protection.
  • Observing good hand hygiene, including regular and thorough hand washing with soap or hand sanitiser reduces the spread of the virus.
  • Coughing etiquette, including the use of a tissue to cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing, and disposing of the tissue immediately.
  • Stay at home while you are unwell. In particular, avoid going to work or school or visiting busy public places.

How do I book an appointment for my workplace vaccination?

You can make an online booking by following the link provided to secure your appointment. You must complete the mandatory fields and consent form as directed on the page.

Will I receive an email confirmation with my booking?

Yes, you will receive an email confirmation with your booking details. Your confirmation will be directed to the email address provided on the booking form. If you cannot find your confirmation in your inbox, please check your junk mail.  You will also receive a calendar invite for your appointment, be sure to add this to your calendar.

How do I change my appointment?

If for any reason you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment, your booking can be changed through your email confirmation.  There is a link at the bottom of your confirmation to RESCHEDULE or CANCEL your appointment. Click the link and this will direct you back to the booking page. It will ask you to confirm whether you would like to cancel your booking. Click yes and re-book another appointment.  When selecting this option for rescheduling your appointment it will delete your original booking even if you change your mind.  We can not reinstate the booking and a new one will need to be made.

What do I do if I miss my appointment?

If you miss your scheduled appointment for any reason, you can make another appointment on another day (if there is another onsite session at your workplace) through the booking system. Rescheduling missed appointments is subject to booking availability. You can also contact your manager/or supervisor for further direction.

What safety measures will be in place to protect against COVID-19 whilst getting my flu vaccination?

Our cleaning and sanitising procedures include, hand sanitiser used before and after each participant and regular cleaning and disinfecting of the vaccination room.

We also adhere to social distancing measures in the waiting area and minimise wait time by providing the consent forms online through the booking system.

Do I receive a record of the flu vaccination?

Your Influenza vaccination is recorded to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). For this reason, you are asked to provide your Full Name, Date of Birth, residential postcode & Medicare Card details (if you have one) on the booking page in order for Health Watch Australia to record your influenza vaccination with AIR. You will be able to access your influenza vaccination record through your myGov account.

For more information on the vaccine itself follow the below links:

FluQuardi Consumer Medical Information (CMI)

FluadQuad (Over 65) Consumer Medical Information (CMI)